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Marianne Faithfull - Great Expectations / 1999

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Adaugat de marc 23.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.395 vizualizari

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Marianne Faithfull - Great Expectations


Great expectations I have to fight
I want to tell you what it was like
My recollection is not too clear
So much hope and so much fear.

Long conversations into the night
Not like that, oh no, not so black and white
The great temptation's to try and please you
Play with you f*** your mind and tease you
If I could tell my story in a song
I'd have to make it fast, yes it's very long
Many shades of grey between the right and wrong.

Day for night, night for day
Now the stories on it's way,
Feel the fire burn away.

So turn the lights down low, come over here
Stay with me, don't go, you'll see my characters appear
The storyteller's magic doesn't lie
Make you laugh to make you cry
Real for me is real for you
What I say is almost true.

Day for night, night for day
Now this stories on its way,
Feel the fire burn and play.

The story's ended now you're on your own
Let's say a little prayer, and go home.


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