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Grant Lee Buffalo


Grant Lee Buffalo - Change Your Tune / 1998

Adaugat de nicol 23.03.2018  Adauga la favorite 1.252 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Grant Lee Buffalo - Change Your Tune


Well it may be hard to swallow
It may come as some surprise
I ain't askin' for apologies
I done tried them on for size

Lay your head back on the pillow
Let your eyes roll 'cross the floor
See the center of the universe
Just isn't you no more

Right now you could use a change of tune
Right now no one needs it more than you
I know everyone is wicked, won't you change your tune?
Change your tune, change your tune

I've been such a Pollyanna
I just rolled back like a rug
Now that you can't understand that no
'Cause you're in the hole you dug

Right now you could use a change of tune
Right now no one needs it more than you
I know everyone is wicked, won't you change your tune?
Change your tune, change your tune

It's a dead-end street, it's a dead-end street
That's what you're tryin' to tell me
It's a dead issue when it's done it's through
But I said it all so help me ah ah ah

Right now you could use a change of tune
Right now no one needs it more than you
I know everyone is wicked, won't you change your tune?
Change your tune, change your tune


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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