

Forgotten Songs & Unsung Heroes
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  John Kay - Many A Mile / 1972
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John Kay - To Be Alive / 1972

Adaugat de luca 25.08.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.002 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
John Kay - To Be Alive


I don't know why you moan and pout
All the world lies at your feet
Like a child you sit and wonder, who's to blame for your defeat
I have tried to give you comfort
I have lent you a patient ear
Had I known why you're complaining, I'd have shown you trouble and fear

Gonna take you to the cliff side on a mountain so high
That when you look down, lord you'll shake and tremble
Afraid to die, afraid to die
Gonna send you the devil when your nightmares arrive
Then when you wake up, lord you'll feel glad to be alive, to be alive

I don't know why you moan and pout
All the world lies at your feet
Like a child you sit and wonder, who's to blame for your defeat
I have tried to give you comfort
I have lent you a patient ear
Had I known why you're complaining, I'd have shown you trouble and fear

Gonna show you the playground of misery and despair
That you might touch a helpless hand with some compassion
And learn to care, yes learn to care


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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