

A Cappella
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  Todd Rundgren - Blue Orpheus / 1985
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  Todd Rundgren - Blue Orpheus / 1985
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  Todd Rundgren - Miracle in the Bazaar / 1985
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  Todd Rundgren - Honest Work / 1985
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Todd Rundgren - Hodja / 1985

Adaugat de rasa 28.05.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.043 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Todd Rundgren - Hodja / 1985


Hodja please show me how to spin now
Hodja please show me how you do it
All the other boys are laughing at me again now
Hodja please show me how you do it
Whenever I talk they don't hear a thing
And everyone laughs when I sing
Hodja, please show me how to spin
I want to do that dance 'til I forget where I am
So get up out of your bed one more time
Hodja, make me spin
Yeah, teach me to spin like I seen you do
Why don't you make me the envy
Of the kids in school
I know what to wear, I know how to sound
I know about kissing the ground
From every alley in Konya
Mevlana sings "Turn around, turn around
You've got to spin 'til your feet leave the
Hodja, someday soon you will be moving on
So won't you let me be the one
You lay the secret on
And it's a 2 4 6 8, take it from the top
You've got to start me up and don't let me stop.


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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