

Hard Nose The Highway
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  Van Morrison - Warm Love / 1973
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Van Morrison - Warm Love / 1973

Adaugat de femeia 13.03.2017  Adauga la favorite 1.261 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Van Morrison - Warm Love


Look at the ivy on the old clinging wall
Look at the flowers and the green grass so tall
It's not a matter of when push comes to shove
It's just the hour on the wings of a dove
That's just warm love
It's just warm love
I dig it when you're fancy, dressed up in lace
I dig it when you have a smile on your face
This inspiration's got to be on the flow
These invitation's got to see it and know
It's just warm love
It's just warm love
And it's ever-present everywhere
And it's ever-present everywhere
That warm love
To the country I'm going
Lay and laugh in the sun
You can bring your guitar along
We'll sing some songs
And have some fun.

The sky is cryin' and it's time to go home
And we shall hurry to the car from the foam
Sit by the fire and dry out our wet clothes
It's raining outside from the skies up above
Inside it's warm love
Inside it's warm love
And it's ever-present everywhere
And it's ever-present everywhere
That warm love...


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