

Alotta Mileage
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  The Grass Roots - Who Will You Be Tomorrow / 1973
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  The Grass Roots - This Precious Time / 1973
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Grass Roots


The Grass Roots - Wake up Wake Up / 1973

Adaugat de MARCU 28.07.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.756 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Grass Roots - Wake up Wake Up


Open up your eyes and wake up
Got a lot of time to make up, girl
Time goes by in such a hurry
Why'd you sit around and worry so, don't you know
You've been living your life in a shell
Now's the time has come to break the spell
Everybody's got to shine sometime
It's just a matter of time you know
There's a whole new world for you to discover
Wake up, wake up
Verse 2:
Life is just a book of pages
And you still got so many to fill in
Don't put down what's happenin' around you
Just because they told you it's a sin
How do you know until you try
Love is callin' so spread your wings and fly
[Repeat chorus]
Got so many things to show you
Groovy things that we can share together
Baby, no no no don't be afraid of tomorrow
La la la la
Everybody's got to shine sometime
It's just a matter of time you know
There's a whole new world for you to discover
Wake up, wake up baby


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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