

Songs from a Room
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  Leonard Cohen - Bird On A Wire / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - A Bunch of Lonesome Heroes / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - The Partisan / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - Seems So Long Ago, Nancy / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - The Old Revolution / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - The Butcher / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - You know who I am / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - Lady Midnight / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - Tonight Will Be Fine / 1969
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adaugat de alexandra
  Leonard Cohen - The Butcher / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - Story of Isaac / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - The Old Revolution / 1969
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adaugat de alexandra
  Leonard Cohen - Lady Midnight / 1969
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adaugat de alexandra
  Leonard Cohen - The Partisan / 1969
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adaugat de alexandra
  Leonard Cohen - The Partisan / 1969
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adaugat de alexandra
  Leonard Cohen - A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes / 1969
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adaugat de antonia
  Leonard Cohen - Bird on the Wire / 1969
2.450 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de cleo
  Leonard Cohen - Story of Isaac / 1969
1.142 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Leonard Cohen - A Bunch of Lonesome Heroes / 1969
1.327 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Leonard Cohen - Seems So Long Ago, Nancy / 1969
1.639 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Leonard Cohen - Seems So Long Ago, Nancy / 1969
1.691 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de cleo
  Leonard Cohen - The Old Revolution / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - You Know Who I Am / 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - Nothing to One (You Know Who I Am) 1969
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  Leonard Cohen - Like a Bird (Bird on the Wire) / 1969
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Leonard Cohen - Tonight Will Be Fine 1969

Adaugat de alexandra 19.12.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.721 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Leonard Cohen - Tonight Will Be Fine 1969

Sometimes I find I get to thinking of the past.
We swore to each other then that our love would surely last.
You kept right on loving, I went on a fast,
now I am too thin and your love is too vast.
But I know from your eyes
and I know from your smile
that tonight will be fine,
will be fine, will be fine, will be fine
for a while.

I choose the rooms that I live in with care,
the windows are small and the walls almost bare,
there's only one bed and there's only one prayer;
I listen all night for your step on the stair.

But I know from your eyes
and I know from your smile
that tonight will be fine,
will be fine, will be fine, will be fine
for a while.

Oh sometimes I see her undressing for me,
she's the soft naked lady love meant her to be
and she's moving her body so brave and so free.
If I've got to remember that's a fine memory.

And I know from her eyes
and I know from her smile
that tonight will be fine,
will be fine, will be fine, will be fine
for a while.

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