

Comin΄ Thru
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Forty Days / 1972
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Chicken / 1972
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Changes / 1972
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Doin' Time In USA / 1972
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Don't Lose It / 1972
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Mojo / 1972
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  Quicksilver Messenger Service - Don't Lose It / 1972
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Quicksilver Messenger Service


Quicksilver Messenger Service - Forty Days / 1972

Adaugat de valiza 04.03.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.079 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Forty Days


Forty days it's been raining
And I still ain't seen the light
Forty days it's been raining
And I still ain't seen the light

You tell me that the sun is shining
But my day's
Black as night
But my day's
Black as night

If the sun don't shine tomorrow
Well what difference would that be?
If the sun don't shine tomorrow
Well what difference would that be?

Sometimes I feel a good feeling
And oh, the blues gets a hold on me
Oh, I get a good feeling sometimes but, ah
The blues gets a hold on me

I know that Death don't have no mercy
In this land
I know Death don't have no mercy
In this land

But look out-- he's just a passenger, baby
Ah, I'm the conductor, man
Yeah, look out, he's just a passenger
I'm the conductor, man

Forty long nights I've been riding
Riding on this Hell-bound train
Forty nights I've been riding
Riding on this Hell-bound train, yeah

Station to station
Woah, it's a crying shame
Yo, oh, oh, lord--
Oh, it's a crying shame
Yo, look out, oh
It's a crying shame
Oh, lord
If you don't know where you're going
Better stay at home, woah...


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