

...It΄s Smoke Time
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  The Smoke - My Friend Jack / 1967
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  The Smoke - High In A Room / 1967
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The Smoke - You Can't Catch Me / 1967

Adaugat de info 18.02.2016  Adauga la favorite 1.283 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Smoke - You Can't Catch Me


What's that standing in her window
The most beautiful flower that you've seen
What's that standing in her window
And the leaves are a brilliant green

But there's something you don't see
And there's someone you will never find
You won't catch me
You won't catch me
You won't catch me
No not me
Though you're searchin' everywhere
I'm not there

All the people pass the window
And their eyes admiring the view
And they know that the flower couldn't hurt them
But there's no one that believes in you

And there's something you don't see
And there's someone you will never find
You won't catch me
You won't catch me
You won't catch me
No not me
Though you're searchin' everywhere
I'm not there

You can't catch me
You can't catch me
You can't catch me

All the people pass the window
And their eyes admiring the view
And you know that the flower couldn't hurt you
But there's no one that believes in you

But there's someone you don't see
And there's someone you will never find
You won't catch me
You won't catch me
You won't catch me
No not me
Though you're searchin' everywhere
I'm not there

What's that growin' in the window?
(You can't catch me)
What's that growin' in the window?
(You can't catch me)
What's that growin' in the window?
(You can't catch me)


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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