

Definitely Maybe
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Oasis - Up in the Sky / 1994

Adaugat de mihail 10.09.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.436 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Oasis - Up in the Sky


Hey you! Up in the sky
Learning to fly
Tell me how high
Do you think you'll go
Before you start falling
Hey you! Up in a tree
You wanna be me
But that couldn't be
Cos the people here they don't hear you calling
How does it feel
When you're inside me?

Hey you! wearing the crown
Making no sound
I heard you feel down
Well that's too bad
Welcome to my world
Hey you! Stealing the light
I heard that the shine's
Gone out of your life.
Well that's just too bad
Welcome to my world

You'll need assistance with the things that you have never ever seen
It's just a case of never breathing out
Before you've breathed it in
How does it feel
When you're inside me?

Hey you! Up in the sky
Learning to fly
Tell me how high
Do you think you'll go
Before you start falling
Hey you! Up in a tree
You wanna be me
But that couldn't be
Cos the people here they don't hear you calling
How does it feel
When you're inside me?

You'll need assistance with the things that you have never ever seen
It's just a case of never breathing out
Before you've breathed it in
How does it feel
When you're inside me?


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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