

Born Under A Bad Sign
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  Albert King - Oh, Pretty Woman / 1967
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  Albert King - Born Under A Bad Sign / 1967
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  Albert King - Oh, Pretty Woman / 1967
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  Albert King - The Very Thought Of You / 1967
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  Albert King - The Very Thought Of You / 1967
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Albert King - As The Years Go By / 1967

Adaugat de MARCU 18.08.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.426 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Albert King - As The Years Go By


There is nothing I can do, if you leave me, with a cry
There is nothing I can do, if you leave me, with a cry
Baby my love will follow you, as the years go passing by

I give you all but a home, that's one thing you get the night
I give you all but a home, that's one thing you get the night
You know my love will follow you, as the years go passing by

I'm gonna leave it up to you, so long, baby good bye
I'm gonna leave it up to you, so long, baby good bye
Baby my love will follow you, yes, as the years go passing by


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