

Myself When I Am Real
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Bebo Norman - Back To Me / 2002

Adaugat de Mariana 21.07.2015  Adauga la favorite 1.547 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Bebo Norman - Back To Me / 2002


Oh my love, don't you cry;
I won't leave you alone tonight.
So, put your hand back into mine
and I will hold you until the end of time, yeah.

I hung my hope on your return;
Now all that sorrow so soon will burn.
So, tend my heart with tender hands
and see your sunshine pouring in.

And all the world is at my feet
'cause you came sailing back to me.

So look around you, and look outside:
A great big love, and a big blue sky.
And all this spring, and all this light,
and all these treetops... well, they're all mine. :)

'Cause all the world is at my feet, yeah,
'cause you came sailing back to me.

And all the world is at my feet
'cause you came sailing back to me, yeah.
My love... love, say yeah, oh.

We are sailing.
We are sailing on.
So, come on, sailing, yeah.
We are sailing on my love.
My love, oh, my love, yeah, my love, hey.
My love.


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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