

Seal (II)
se deruleaza

  Seal - Kiss from a rose
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  Seal - Bring It On / 1994
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  Seal - Prayer For The Dying / 1994
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  Seal - Dreaming In Metaphors / 1994
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  Seal - Don't Cry / 1994
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  Seal - Kiss From A Rose / 1994
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  Seal - People Asking Why / 1994
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  Seal - I'm Alive / 1994
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  Seal - Bring It On (Reprise) / 1994
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adaugat de bubico












Seal - Fast Changes / 1994

Adaugat de bubico 17.10.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.407 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Seal - Fast Changes


Maybe if I search my mind a little,
I'd come across the reason why you're gone.
Maybe if I searched a little while.

And if I try to reconcile a little,
Then maybe I will know for how long.
This time...

Well here we are,

in separate rooms.

I can hear you sighing.

Saying "No way out" or so it seems.

Dry our tears, we're flying straight on through that window-oh.

Fast changes arriving.
Slow changes moving out.
Here we are.

Now maybe if I took the time a little,
Then maybe I would know for how long.
This time.

Well here we are,

In separate rooms.

I can hear you sighing.

Saying "No way out" or so it seems.

Dry our tears, we're flying straight on through that window-oh.
..ohh......................ohh........oh­ changes...

Fast changes arriving.
they come around... ...slow changes...

Slow changes moving out
...are moving out...

Here we are...

Fast changes they come around slow changes...
...Fast changes arriving.

Are moving out...
And slow changes are moving out

Here we are.

Here we are.

A Change.......


Here we are in separate rooms

I can hear you crying. Saying "No way out" or so it seems

Dry our tears, we're flying straight on through that window-oh.
..ohh......................ohh........oh­ changes...

They come around... ...slow changes...are moving out...
Fast changes arriving and slow changes are moving out

Fast changes arriving.
They come around... ...slow changes...

And slow changes are moving out
...are moving out.

Here we are. changes arriving.
fast changes they come around, slow changes...

Are moving out...
Slow changes are moving out.

Here we are.

Fast changes. They come around slow changes.... ...are moving out...
Fast changes Fast changes.................have come around

Here we are
..........Fast changes...

Here we are.
Here we are.
Here we are.
Here we are.


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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