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Adam & The Ants


Adam & The Ants - Baby, Let Me Scream at You / 1983

Adaugat de peter 07.09.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.367 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Adam & The Ants - Baby, Let Me Scream at You


Well this is this and that is that
Though shrinks say they no better
But people making love says more
Than any word or letter
He's not too good with books and such
No not too good with that
But he's got knowledge nice and raw
And lots of nifty chat

Baby let me scream at you
You can decline of course
I'm talking to you girlfriend
Give me some chili sauce

Well this is this and that is that
Though shrinks say they no better
But people making love says more
Than any word or letter
She's not the subtle kind at all
Don't live her life from books
But girls are girls are girls are girls
And boy she's got the looks

Get in get on get down get off
Get up get dressed get out
And if you find a better way
Pick up the phone and shout
Get in get on get down get off
How fond of milk you are
Don't be a Mrs. Hangup girl
Beaucoup de chocolat

It's that moment when you know it
A first glance lets you show it
That something good will happen here tonight
And far across the room
So deep inside her soon
Your passion's like a spear of true delight


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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