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Iggy Pop


Iggy Pop - Take Care Of Me / 1980

Adaugat de laura 16.08.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.352 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Iggy Pop - Take Care Of Me


I've been working a long long time
Now I'm caught in a wicked bind
You offered love but I threw that out
I couldn't hear you I was too busy shouting

Like a laughing hyena run out of breath
I shot my rocks off 'till there's nothing left
It's an old old story I suppose
A heavy price for a heavy pose

Take care of me
Take care of me
Somebody should
I'm pretty good

International garbage man
I've detided that's what I am
I need somebody to pull me out
I'm sinking like trazy in my sauerkraut
[ From: ]

Take care of me
Take care of me
I've done my best
Now you do the rest

Little boy take out your toys
Lay them on the table
Benwa balls and bugs that crawl
I tan't enjoy them without love
Still I've been known to run around

Take care of me
But beware of me
Sometimes I'm a snake
Just aher the take

Take care of me
Take care of me
I've done my best
Take care of me
Now you do the rest
Trake care of me
I'll never forget
Take care of me


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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