

In The Skies
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  Peter Green - In The Skies / 1979
1.709 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Peter Green - Slabo Day / 1979
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  Peter Green - Tribal Dance / 1979
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  Peter Green - Seven Stars / 1979
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  Peter Green - Funky Chunk / 1979
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  Peter Green - Just For You / 1979
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  Peter Green - Proud Pinto / 1979
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  Peter Green - Apostle / 1979
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Peter Green - A Fool No More / 1979

Adaugat de grisa 20.07.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.752 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Peter Green - A Fool No More


Yes, I've packed up my clothes
I'm moving away from your door
Lord, I've packed up my clothes
Said, I'm moving away from your door
I've been your fool for so long
Babe, I won't play that fool no more

I gave you all my money
I work as hard as I can
I came home early one morning
I found you with another man
Babe, I've packed up my clothes
I'm moving away from your door
Said, I've been your fool for so long
And lord, I won't play that fool no more


So good-bye baby
You don't even care
Yes, I had a love so strong for you
But you treat me so unfair
Said, I've packed up my clothes
I'm moving away from your door
You know, I've been your fool for so long
And babe, I won't play that fool no more.


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