

Dark Days in Paradise
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  Gary Moore - One Fine Day / 1997
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  Gary Moore - What Are We Here For? / 1997
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  Gary Moore - What Are We Here For? / 1997
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Gary Moore - Like Angels (Jimi Hendrix Tribut) / 1997

Adaugat de klio 04.07.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.666 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Gary Moore - Like Angels


In every heart a story is told.
There's a way you can believe in forever.
In every life the story unfolds,
like a mystery for you to see
and tear away the mask.

Hold on to your dreams,
learn how to fly like angels.
Hold on to your dreams,
soaring above, wings of love.

In every tear a lesson to learn.
There's a way you can believe in forever.
Time never hears the reasons we give.
It just marches on until it's gone,
forever and a day.

Hold on to your dreams,
learn how to fly like angels.
Hold on to your dreams,
soaring above, wings of love.

Hold on to your dreams,
learn how to fly like angels.
Hold on to your dreams,
soaring above, wings of love.

Hold on to your dreams,
learn how to fly like angels.
Soaring high above,
wings made from love.


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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