

se deruleaza

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Bert Jansch - Rambleaway / 1973

Adaugat de queen 27.08.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.378 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Bert Jansch - Rambleaway / 1973

Versuri/ text:

As I was walking to Birmingham Fair
In my new scarlet jacket and everything rare
To where man pass by and these words they did say:
"Are you the young man they call Rambleaway?"

The very first steps I took into the fair
I spied pretty Nancy a-combing her hair
She tipped me the wink and she rolled her dark eye
Says I to myself, "I'll be there by and by"

As I was a-walking that night in the dark
I took my bright Nancy to be my sweetheart
She smiled in my face and 'tis what she did say
"Are you the young man they call Rambleaway?"

I said,"Now, pretty Nancy, don't smile in my face
For I do not intend to stay long in this place"
So I gave her three doubles and fair length and share
I said that I might ramble but the devil knows where

Now, twenty-four weeks they were over and past
This fair pretty maiden did sicken at last
Her gown wouldn't meet nor her apron strings tie
And all through the love of young Rambleaway


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