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Neil Young - Life in the City / 1988

Adaugat de kass 29.05.2014  Adauga la favorite 2.234 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Neil Young - Life in the City


[Verse 1]
People sleepin' on the sidewalks on a rainy day
Families living under freeways, it's the American way
Starving in the city while the farm goes to seed
Murder in the home and crime on the streets

Don't that trouble you brother?
Don't that trouble you pal?
Don't that trouble you sister?
Well, that's life in the city

[Verse 2]
All our old hangouts are boarded up and closed
Or being sold to someone, nobody knows
I got a woman that loves me and I love her so
She's all dressed up now with nowhere to go

Don't that trouble you brother?
Don't that trouble you pal?
Don't that trouble you sister?
Well, that's life in the city

[Saxophone and Guitar Solos]
That's life in the city


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