

On the Beach
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  Neil Young - See The Sky About To Rain / 1974
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  Neil Young - Motion Pictures / 1974
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  Neil Young - Ambulance Blues / 1974
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Neil Young - Ambulance Blues / 1974

Adaugat de polux 27.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 1.012 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )

Back in the old folky days
The air was magic when we played.
The riverboat was rockin'
in the rain
Midnight was the time
for the raid.

Oh, Isabela, proud Isabela,
They tore you down and
plowed you under.
You're only real
with your make-up on
How could I see you
and stay too long?

All along the Navajo Trail,
Burn-outs stub their toes
on garbage pails.
Waitresses are cryin'
in the rain
Will their boyfriends
pass this way again?

Oh, Mother Goose,
she's on the skids
Shoe ain't happy,
neither are the kids.
She needs someone
that she can scream at
And I'm such a heel
for makin' her feel so bad.

I guess I'll call it
sickness gone
It's hard to say
the meaning of this song.
An ambulance can only
go so fast
It's easy to get buried
in the past
When you try to make
a good thing last.

I saw today
in the entertainment section
There's room at the top
for private detection.
To Mom and Dad
this just doesn't matter,
But it's either that
or pay off the kidnapper.

So all you critics sit alone
You're no better than me
for what you've shown.
With your stomach pump and
your hook and ladder dreams
We could get together
for some scenes.

I never knew a man
could tell so many lies
He had a different story
for every set of eyes.
How can he remember
who he's talkin' to?
'Cause I know it ain't me,
and I hope it isn't you.

Well, I'm up in T.O.
keepin' jive alive,
And out on the corner
it's half past five.
But the subways are empty
And so are the cafes.

Except for the Farmer's Market
And I still can hear him say:
You're all just pissin'
in the wind
You don't know it but you are.

And there ain't nothin'
like a friend
Who can tell you
you're just pissin'
in the wind.

I never knew a man
could tell so many lies
He had a different story
for every set of eyes
How can he remember
who he's talking to?
Cause I know it ain't me,
and hope it isn't you.

Neil Young (nascut la 12 noiembrie 1945) este un cantaret-compozitor canadian, muzician si regizor de film. El a fost introdus in Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ca artist solo in 1995 si, de asemenea, ca un membru al Buffalo Springfield in 1997.

Cuplu munca este caracterizata de versuri profund personala, lucru chitara distinctiv, si semnatura tenor voce cantand. Desi el insusi insoteste pe mai multe instrumente diferite, inclusiv pian si muzicuta, stilul lui clawhammer chitara acustica si interpretand adesea idiosincrazice chitara electrica sunt linchpins o, uneori, zdrentarosi, sunet, uneori, lustruit. Desi tanar a experimentat pe scara larga cu stiluri de muzica diferite, inclusiv leagan, jazz, rock, blues, si muzica electronica a lungul unei cariere variat, sa cel mai bine cunoscute, de obicei, se incadreaza in una din doua stiluri distincte: folk acustic / tara ("Heart of Gold" , "Harvest Moon" si "Omul vechi") si-electrice perceput de hard rock (cum ar fi "Fata de scortisoara", "Rockin 'in Lumea Libera" si "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)"). In ultimii ani, tanar a adoptat elemente din stiluri noi ca tara industriala, alternative si grunge. Influenta profunda Cuplu lui pe aceasta din urma determinat pe unii sa-l poreclesc "Nasul a Grunge".


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