

The Captain & the Kid
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Elton John - Blues Never Fade Away / live 2006

Adaugat de ionut 15.05.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.383 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Elton John - Blues Never Fade Away


She was twenty one with her life ahead
You don't have to know her name
She breathed her last on the cold stone floor of a Hollywood arcade
But fate's right hand isn't always just
Puts a lot of pressure on your faith and trust
She was just a little girl ain't that enough
To rage against the day

And how did we get so lucky?
Targets on the rifle range
Who makes the call and who gets to choose?
Who gets to win and who gets to lose?
It's like a rolling dice in the belly of the blues
And blues never fade away
Hey hey the colors run when the rain falls
But blues never fade away

He shone so bright with a lust for life
Like the Sun King that he was
His passions hung upon his walls and were printed onto cloth
And for reasons I never understood
About the choices made between the bad and good
I've tried to figure out but
The pain never goes away

[repeat chorus]

And there's marble markers and little white crosses
Along the beaten path
And I've spread their ashes on the wind
And I miss John Lennon's laugh

[repeat chorus]


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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