

Honky Chateau
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Elton John - Mellow / 1972

Adaugat de tony 29.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.772 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Elton John - Mellow


Cool grass blowing up the pass
Don't you know I'm feeling mellow
I love your Roman nose, the way you curl your toes baby
Make me feel so mellow

It's the same old feeling I get when you're stealing
Back into my bed again
With the curtains closed and the window froze
By the rhythm of the rain

You make me mellow, you make me mellow
Rocking smooth and slow
Mellow's the feeling that we get
Watching the coal fire glow

You make me mellow, I make you mellow
Wrecking the sheets real fine
Heaven knows what you sent me Lord
But God this is a mellow time

Going down to the stores in town
Getting all the things we need
Don't forget the beer my little dear
It helps to sow the mellow seed

And it can't be bad, all the love I've had
Coursing through my life
Down in the pass where the wind blows fast
And mellow's feeling right


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