

Hokey Pokey
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  Richard & Linda Thompson -A Heart Needs A Home/1975 live
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  Richard & Linda Thompson - A Heart Needs A Home / 1975
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  Richard & Linda Thompson - A Heart Needs A Home 1975
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  Richard & Linda Thompson - Hokey Pokey / 1975
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  Richard & Linda Thompson - A Heart Needs a Home / 1975
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  Richard & Linda Thompson - A Heart Needs a Home / 1975
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Richard & Linda Thompson - Jet Plane in a Rocking / 1975

Adaugat de maria 27.02.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.491 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Richard & Linda Thompson - Jet Plane in a Rocking Chair

Versuri /text:

Jet plane in a rocking chair
Roller coaster roll nowhere
Deaf and dumb old dancing bear
Ill change this heart of mine
This time, this time

Sea cruise in a diving bell
Run a mile in a wishing well
Soft soap and nothing to sell
Ill change this heart of mine
This time, this time

Here comes the real thing
Ive been waiting, for so long
For so long
Ive been looking for a love like you.

Crossed-line on the telephone
Crossed eyes and a canny moan
Cross fingers and head for home
Ill change this heart of mine
This time, this time

Play sick in a feather bed
Act cool when youre stony dead
Im a fool with a size one head
Ill change this heart of mine
This time, this time

Here comes the real thing
Ive been waiting, for so long
For so long
Ive been looking for a love like you

Jet plane in a rocking chair
Roller coaster roll nowhere
Deaf and dumb old dancing bear
Ill change this heart of mine
This time, this time
This time, this time
This time, this time


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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