

Oh! Pleasant Hope
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Blue Cheer


Blue Cheer - Heart Full Of Soul / 1971

Adaugat de tare 27.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.406 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Blue Cheer - Heart Full Of Soul


(C'mon, mm-hmm)
You the kind of person with money in your hand
You drive around town in a chauffeured sedan
You might have a stand but let me tell you before you go
You ain't got a thing without a heart full of soul
Without a little bit of soul it wouldn't be right
This screaming guitar, it would not sound so outta sight
You get some soul, oh yeah
You get some soul, oh yeah
You know it ain't no good if you're on your own
It only goes to show you a heart's made of stone
You need love really bad, Good, good love you never had
You never had good, good love
You never known a love's that's grown
So please don't you tell me 'bout your cares and woe
Please don't you tell me 'bout a love's that's grown
And don't you understand I'm a hungry man
Got a heart full of soul tryin' the best I can
Oh, try the best I can
You know I'm gonna love you the best I can
But you just seem to dig that painted garbage can
Well I been around, I done see your show
How can I love you when you got no soul
Scratch you up if only I could
But I can't seem to make it with a heart made of wood
You get some soul, oh yeah
You get some soul, oh yeah
You know it ain't no good if you're all alone
It only goes to show you a heart's made of stone
You need love really bad, Good, good love you never had
You never had good, good love
You never known a love's that's grown
So please don't you tell me 'bout your cares and woe
Please don't you tell me 'bout a love's that's grown
And don't you understand I'm a hungry man
I got a heart full of soul tryin' the best I can
Oh, yeah
You the kind of person with money in his hand
And drives around town in a painted garbage can
Well I been around and I done see your show
How can I love you when you got no soul
Without a little bit of soul it wouldn't be right
That screaming guitar, it wouldn't sound so outta sight
You get some soul, oh yeah
You get some soul, oh yeah
You know it ain't no good if you're all alone
It only goes to show you a heart's made of stone
You need love really bad, Good, good love you never had
You never had good, good love
You never known a love's that's grown
So please don't you tell me 'bout your cares and woe
Please don't you tell me 'bout a love's that's grown
And don't you understand I'm a hungry man
I got a heart full of soul try to understand
Oh yeah, oh


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