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The Kinks - Permanent Waves / 1978

Adaugat de stefan 23.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.274 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
The Kinks - Permanent Waves


Please call a doctor,
I've been so depressed

That I think that I'm finally breakin'

I can't quite explain,
I can't feel any pain

But I know that this time I'm not fakin'

Oh, what can it be, oh, inside of me

I saw my doctor he said man you look sick

He said I think you better do something quick

He checked me over and he said I was fit

What you need is a change, have a shave, find a chick
Your body functions but your hair's a disgrace

You shouldn't let it hang all over your face

Change your image 'cos you look out of place

Comb your hair, put on weight, try to look up to date

Why don't you put in some permanent waves

You'll look smooth, you'll look cool, you'll be laughing

You'll get lots of dates, you'll be made, you'll get laid

You'll get out and about, you'll be laughing

Oh, you'll be O.K. once you get those permanent waves

I was really up but now I'm down once again

I went out walking and it started to rain

My perm washed out it just got flushed down the drain

My neurosis returned, I'm a wreck once again

But wait 'til I get back my permanent waves

I'll be cool, I'll be smooth, I'll be laughing

I'll be all the rage in my permanent waves

And I'll start a new craze, I'll be laughing

Oh, I'll be O.K. once I get my permanent waves


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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