

Metallica & Lou Reed - Lulu
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Metallica & Lou Reed - Frustration / 2011

Adaugat de matei1 23.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.404 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Metallica & Lou Reed - Frustration

Versuri / text:

In my lexicon of hate
I see you with your portraiture
Does he love you?
Does he love you too?
The brush strokes
Kiss your breasts and toes
I cry icicles in my stein
The heartbeats flutter
With an abnormal rhythm
The pain shoots through my body
A sword between my thighs
I wish that I could kill you
But I too love your eyes
You're feeling less whore but you stimulate
The hatred smolders in your eyes
I'd drop to my knees in a second
To salivate in your thighs
But all I do is fall over
I don't have the strength I once had
In you and your prickless lover
And his easel in his eyes
I feel the pain creep up my leg
Blood runs from my nose
I puke my guts out at your feet
You're more man than I
To be dead to have no feeling
To be dry and spermless like a girl
I want so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
Marry me
I want you as my wife
Spermless like a girl
More man than I
More man than I
In my lexicon of hate
You're feeling less like a whore but you
All I do is fall over
I don't have the strength I once had
All I do is fall over
I don't have the strength I once had
I want you so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
I want so much to hurt you
I want you as a wife
Frustration is my lexicon of hate
Frustration is my lexicon of hate
Fru fru frustration, my lexicon of hate
I cry icicles
Heartbeats flutter
Abnormal rhythm
I wish that I could kill you
But I too love your eyes
I want you as my wife
I want you as my wife
Spermless like a girl
Lucky in feeling
More man than I
Marry me, marry me, marry me
I want you as a wife
Spermless like a girl
Puking my guts at your feet
More man than I
Fru fru fru frustration


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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