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Donovan - Neutron / 1980

Adaugat de pele 16.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.680 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Donovan - Neutron


I was born in the rubble of World War II
Played ball where tall buildings once grew
But today there's a way to make war fair
A new toy from the boys in the USA.

Neutron, you're a real estate bomb
The property stays but the people are gone
Neutron, neutron, you're a real estate bomb
The property stays but the people are gone.

You got the boom like a doom atomica
You got the taste like the waste of nuclear
And you fly like a supersonica
You're a likeable kind of bomb.

Neutron, you're a real estate bomb
The property stays but the people are gone
Neutron, neutron, you're a real estate bomb
The property stays but the people are gone.

Neutron, neutron, you're a real estate bomb
The property stays but the people are gone
Neutron, neutron, you're a real estate bomb
The property stays but the people are gone.


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