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Donovan - Sadness / 1974

Adaugat de Alexandra 13.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.347 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Donovan - Sadness


Sadness is in your eye
Who could have made you cry?
My lullaby can fly you out of there
Rolling on the sleepy dreamy deep
Rolling on the sleepy dreamy deep

Salty tear down your cheek
Drowning the words you speak
My lullaby can dry your every care
Rolling on the sleepy dreamy deep
Rolling on the sleepy dream

Sweet dream, my baby lie
Here in my arms tonight
Don't cry, I'll hold you tight
And soothe all your worry away

Sadness is in your eye
Who could have made you cry?
My lullaby can fly you out of there
Rolling on the sleepy dreamy deep
Rolling on the sleepy dream

Sweet dream, my baby lie
Here in my arms tonight
Don't cry, I'll hold you tight
And soothe all your worry away

Sadness is in your eye
Who could have made you cry?
Sadness is in your eye

Thank you, thanks very much, thank you!



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