

For Ladies Only
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Steppenwolf - Sparkle Eyes / 1971

Adaugat de maria 14.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.359 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Steppenwolf - Sparkle Eyes


Oh Woman, don't you know me?
Has it been so long that you forgot
I thought of you just yesterday
My time it has been dragging
And I've changed girl but so have you
Please don't turn your face away
It's in your eyes I know
Where did the sparkle go?

Sparkle eyes used to shine ev'ry day
God, I wish I never had seen you looking this way

Can't recall just who was wrong
Guess it doesn't matter now
To dredge the past I've no desire
But it hurts to feel your sadness
And to see the life you've led
Faceless fountains cooled your fire
It was mine not long ago
Where did the sparkle flow?

Sparkle Eyes used to smile at the rain
Don't I wish that I could see it again
Where did the sparkle go?

Now if I only knew where to begin
Girl, I'd try to break your fall and stop your spin
But time has changed us both too many ways
And I'm looking at a strange and empty face

And your eyes used to shine every day
If I had only never seen you lookin' this way
Those faceless fountains they cooled your fire
It was mine not so very long ago
Your eyes would laugh at the rain
You don't know how I wish I could see it again
I just can't stand to watch goin' down slow
Where did the sparkle go?


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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