

My War
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Black Flag


Black Flag - My War / 1984

Adaugat de corina 01.03.2014  Adauga la favorite 2.001 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Black Flag - My War

Albumm:Black Flag - My War / anul 1984


My war, you're one of them.
You say that you're my friend,
But you're one of them.

You don't wanna see me live.
You don't want me to give
'Cause you're one of them.

My war, you're one of them.
You say that you're my friend,
But you're one of them,
Them, them, them, them, them!



War, you're one of them.
You say that you're my friend,
But you're one of them.

I might not know what a friend is.
All I know is what you're not
'Cause you're one of them,

My war, you're one of them.
You said that you're my friend.
You're one of them, one of them,
One of them, you're one of them.

You're one of them.
This time, this time.
This lie.
My life, my death.

I have a prediction; it lives in my brain.
It's with me everyday; it drives me insane.
I feel it in my heart, that if I had a gun,
I feel it in my heart, I'd wanna kill some.
I feel it in my heart, the end will come.
Come on.

My war, you're one of them.
You say you're my friend,
But you're one of them.

Tell me that I'm wrong.
Try to sing me your ego song.
You're one of them.

My war, you're one of them.
You said that you're my friend,
But you're one of them,
One of them, you're one of them.


You're one of them.
You're one of them!
I can't believe you!

You're one of them,
And you're one of them,
And you're one of them,
And you're one of them!
One of them, them, them,

Them, them, them, them, them!
My war!

Hardcore punk, heavy metal


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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