

se deruleaza

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Alphaville - Ain't It Strange / 1994

Adaugat de matusa 30.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.786 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Alphaville - Ain't It Strange


Ain't it strange
That we destroy what we embrace
And we leave what we seek
It's such a shame
Ain't it strange
That we smile when we cry
And no one knows why we are here
And where we going to, ain't it strange

We could be so good together...

Ain't it strange that we share what we hate
That we break what we love
It's such a shame
Ain't it strange when we pray
We betray anyway
And no one knows what we are for
Why we're so tough
When we're so fragile, ain't it strange

We could be so good together...

Ain't it strange
Still we could fall into a dream
I'd wish no one will catch that fall
For we could fall for love,
Life is but a dream...
All the tears in the world not in vain
For the pain is gone
The shame is washed away
When we're all one, life is but a dream..

It's hard to believe after thousands of years
The world is still drowning in blood and tears
We've been quite advanced but again we fail
It is dog eats dog on the ratrace trail
It is getting too much
And we're getting nowhere
While hatred and fear is all that we share
I can't take it no more
When I'm watching the news
We must stick together or we're bound to lose...

We could be so good together...


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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