

Rabbits on the Run
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Vanessa Carlton - London / 2011

Adaugat de otelul 20.02.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.633 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Vanessa Carlton - London


Waste away the days
Waiting on a new age
But time betrays me
And I get older one more year

Walk London's windy streets
Go anywhere but home
'Cause I'm looking for the secrets
That only cobble stones hold
Only the cobble stones know

And I've never been so sure
That after all these years, I'll never learn
That heavenly creatures never come

You've got a knife-throwing kind of love
But your silence cuts the deepest
And I know I've made a mess of things
And I'm sorry for all that
Wish we could get the time back

Because I've never been so sure
That after all these years, I'll never learn
That heavenly creatures never come
Wait for it
Wait for it

Now I'm staring at the sun
As if there's a riddle I'm not in on
'Cause the wolves howl to the Moon
And she never answers back
No, she never answers back

And after all these years, I'll never learn
That heavenly creatures never, never been so sure
That after all these years, I'll never learn
That heavenly creatures never come, oh

Waste away the days
Waiting on a new age


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