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  The Psychedelic Furs - Dumb Waiters / live 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - Pretty in Pink / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - I Wanna Sleep with You / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - So Run Dow / original 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - All of This and Nothing / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - She Is Mine / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - Pretty in Pink / 1981 live
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  The Psychedelic Furs - Dumb Waiters / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - Dumb Waiters / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - She Is Mine / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - It Goes On / 1981
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  The Psychedelic Furs - All of This and Nothing / 1981
1.171 vizite - 0 comentarii
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Psychedelic Furs


The Psychedelic Furs - It Goes On / 1981

Adaugat de pele 12.07.2012  Adauga la favorite 1.941 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
The Psychedelic Furs - It Goes On


you laugh at her in all the cars
she's easily confused
there isn't any wrong or right
or up and down on you
there isn't any reason
there isn't any sense
nothing else is happening
this is where you are
it goes on and then it rains
we run away
it goes on again
if you say no just one more time
he's gonna trash your wife
he has to have a lie to live
or something to believe
he has a god
he calls it you
he has a highway too
inside his head these
wheels go round
he says that he loves you
it goes on and then it
goes around again
it goes on again
it goes on
it goes on and then it goes
around again
it goes on again
you know this guy that
lives downstairs
there's parties all the time
where they put on wigs and stuff
so they can be themselves
he calls you this
he calls you that
you lose your memory
all this goes on all the time
so i don't go down there
it goes on and then it rains again
it goes on again
it goes on and then it goes
around again
it goes on again


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