

Chicago XI
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  Chicago - Little One / 1977
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Chicago - Policeman / 1977

Adaugat de lorena 21.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 980 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Chicago - Policeman


Everyday he wakes up
As his bare feet hit the floor
Grabs a cup of coffee
Straps his Magnum on once more
Feeds the cat he lives with
Since his wife walked out the door
In nine years he'll retire with a pension
Everyday he suffers
'Cause he sees all kinds of pain
Sometimes feels helpless
In a world that's gone insane
Then he wins a battle
It restores his faith again
It's only human kindness he is after
He is a policeman, you know
All the years and nothing to show
He is a policeman, you know
Every night he comes home
With a sixpack all alone
Feeds the cat he lives with
He picks up the telephone
Needs to talk with someone
But the only love he's known
Was lost forever, he is a policeman
He is a policeman, you know
All the years and nothing to show
He is a policeman, you know
All the years and nothing to show


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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