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Kim Wilde - Ego / 1982

Adaugat de kafka 19.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 2.060 vizualizari

Nota film: 5 / 5 (1 vot )
Kim Wilde - Ego

Albumm:Kim Wilde - Select / anul 1982


All the time I try to reason with you
But I just can't seem to make you understand
Nothing seems to ever really get through
Can't you feel emotions like any other man

You never cared for anyone (anyone)
You never cared for anyone (at all)
Any love that you've ever given me
You only gave me for your ego

Look at how you wanted all of my tears
Any time you felt you needed security
All the nights you let me out on my own
That's the thing that you just can't give back to me

You never cared for anyone (anyone)
You never cared for anyone (at all)
Any love that you've ever given me
You only gave me for your ego

You're only plan it seems is look after number one
You just can't comprehend what it means to love someone

Stay away, get lost, get out of my life
Can't you see the changes now and at last I'm free
Any plans I have just don't include you
And that's the one thing you won't take from me

You never cared for anyone (anyone)
You never cared for anyone (at all)
Any love that you've ever given me
You only gave me for your ego

Every time I tried to reason with you
But it seemed that I never made you understand
Nothing ever seemed to ever really get through
Can't you feel emotions like any other man

You never cared for anyone (anyone)
You never cared for anyone (at all)
Any love that you've ever given me
You only gave me for your ego



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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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