

Catch as Catch Can
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Kim Wilde - House of Salome / 1983

Adaugat de kafka 19.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 1.411 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kim Wilde - House of Salome

Albumm:Kim Wilde - Catch as Catch Can / anul 1983


Shadows run in the heat of the desert
Hands beat at the door
Someone stands and calls
For the name of salome

As the veils were pushed away
He gazed upon a face
Hed never seen
Was she a dream ?

He heard the sound from a distance voice
Youd better watch out!
Youd better watch out!
He heard the sound from a thousand years
Calling out
Calling out

In the house of salome
You have to surrender

"run with her" said the young handmaiden
"she will be your queen
All your life youll live
In the dream of salome

Take her mouth and with your hands
Just kiss her painted lips
Dont you make a move
till salome calls you"

As the music danced around the desert night
He smelt her perfumed skin
As they made love

He heard the sound of a distant voice
Youd better watch out!
Youd better watch out!
He heard the sound of a thousand years
Calling out
Calling out

Pop, Synthpop


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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