

Kim Wilde
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  Kim Wilde - Boys / 1981
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adaugat de kafka












Kim Wilde - Our Town / 1981

Adaugat de kafka 19.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 821 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kim Wilde - Our Town


This is your town, this is my place
This is where my whole world is lived in
Nothing much, and just out of reach of all the city lights
It's a high town, it's a low town
It's get here, come on you grow town
No-one does, but everyone thinks they're gonna make it soon
This is one place I respected
Now I feel it's really dejected
No-one cares and the people just stare
And a man on the box says
"Hey you, don't walk away, vote for me
You'll get more pay, keep working hard"
But they work slow

Here it comes now, Sunday morning
Just another sleepy town yawning
Down below everything looks just like another day
But, in the warm glow of the sunrise
There's a child who's searching with young eyes
Looking 'round and feeling inside he's gonna fly away
There was one time I was leaving
But the folks around me kept grieving
Friends said go, but my dad said no
And my mum kept saying
"Don't go, don't go away
Don't leave us, you've got to stay
Just raise them kids, oh mother no"

No prospects, just projects
Don't try to tell me we're living
There's no real need to try
Can't you see this town gonna die

Hail the new age, it's a rat cage
Join the place for breeding dumb spieces
All stacked up and doing whatever someone tells you to
Burn the place down, make it dead ground
Show the people just what they're missing
Wake up, wake up, can't you believe in what I'm telling you
There's a house where I was born in
Now it's changed without any warning
Cranes just crash and bricks just smash
While a billboard's saying
"Let's go, let's get away
Come fly me, you've weeks to pay
When sunshine calls, but I won't go


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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