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Santana - Changes / 1981

Adaugat de marc 29.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 2.116 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Santana - Changes

Albumm:Santana - Zebop! / anul 1981


Don't you feel a change a-coming
From another side of time
Breaking down the walls of silence
Lifting shadows from your mind

Placing back the missing mirrors
That before you couldn't find
Filling mysteries of emptiness
That yesterday left behind

And we all know it's better
Yesterday has passed
Now let's all start the living
For the one that's going to last

And we all know it's better
Yesterday has passed
Now let's all start the living
For the one that's going to last

Don't you feel the day is coming
That will stay and remain
When your children see the answers
That you saw the same

When the clouds have all gone
There will be no more rain
And all the beauty of all things
Is uncovered again

And we all know it's better
Yesterday has passed
Now let's all start the living
For the one that's going to last

And we all know it's better
Yesterday has passed
Now let's all start the living
For the one that's going to last


Don't you feel the day is coming
And it won't be too soon
When the people of the world
Can all live in one room

When we shake off the ancient
Chains of our tomb
We will all be born again
Of the eternal womb

And we all know it's better
Yesterday has passed
Now let's all start the living
For the one that's going to last (4x)


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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