Santana - Jingo
Solo tobe :Michael Shrieve
Over the course of his eminent career, Michael Shrieve has written, produced and played on albums that have sold millions of copies worldwide. De-a lungul carierei sale eminent, Michael Shrieve a scris, produs si jucat pe albume care s-au vandut milioane de exemplare in intreaga lume. As the original drummer for Santana, Michael – at age nineteen – was the youngest performer at Woodstock. Ca bateristul original pentru Santana, Michael - de la varsta de nouasprezece - a fost cel mai tanar interpret de la Woodstock. He helped create the first eight albums of this seminal group, and was on the forefront of shaping a new musical era. El a ajutat la crearea primelor opt albume ale acestui grup seminal, si a fost in prim plan de formarea unei noi ere muzicale.
Michael is respected world-wide for his adventurous experimentation with the most creative and masterful musicians. Michael este respectat in intreaga lume pentru experimentare sa aventuroasa cu muzicieni cele mai creative si poruncitor. No other drummer has collaborated with such longevity and sophistication alongside artists in such diverse genres as rock, jazz, electronic, DJ and world music. Nici alt baterist a colaborat cu astfel de longevitate si de rafinament alaturi de artisti din genuri diverse, precum rock, jazz, electronica, DJ si muzica lumii. He is well recognized for his groundbreaking adoption of electronic percussion when it was a new medium in the 1970s. El este recunoscut pentru adoptarea sa revolutionara, de percutie electronica, in cazul acesta a fost un mediu nou, in 1970.
Michael's recording credits include the masters of popular and avant-garde music – Mick Jagger and the Rolling Stones, George Harrison, Pete Townsend, Steve Winwood, Police guitarist Andy Summers, film composer Mark Isham, and such musical luminaries as John Mclaughlin, Stomu Yamash'ta, Klaus Schulze, Freddie Hubbard, Jaco Pastorius, Wayne Horvitz, Bill Frisell, Zakir Hussain, Airto Moriera and Amon Tobin. Creditele lui Michael de inregistrare includ Masters de muzica populara si avant-garde - Mick Jagger si Rolling Stones, George Harrison, Pete Townsend, Steve Winwood, Politia chitaristul Andy Summers, compozitorul Mark Isham, si corpuri de iluminat astfel muzicale precum John McLaughlin, Stomu Yamash "TA, Klaus Schulze, Freddie Hubbard, Jaco Pastorius, Wayne Horvitz, Bill Frisell, Zakir Hussain, Airto Moriera si Amon Tobin. Many notable publications have cited Michael's outstanding work: The New York Times , Downbeat , Billboard , Modern Drummer , Musician , Drum , Paris Match , Melody Maker , and Life Magazine . Multe publicatii importante au citat munca remarcabila a lui Michael: The New York Times, Downbeat, Billboard, bateristul modern, muzician, Drum, Paris Match, Melody Maker, si Life Magazine.
Michael Shrieve also composes music for film and television. Michael Shrieve, de asemenea, compune muzica de film si televiziune. He worked with the director Paul Mazursky on the film, “The Tempest," and scored music for Curtis Hanson's “The Bedroom Window," as well as numerous television movies and shows. El a lucrat cu regizorul Paul Mazursky pe film, "Furtuna", si a marcat pentru muzica lui Curtis Hanson, "fereastra de la dormitor,", precum si numeroase filme de televiziune si de spectacole. In 2002 Michael wrote and produced the song, “Aye Aye Aye," with Carlos Santana, which appeared on the album, “Shaman." Rolling Stone magazine acknowledged it as one of the songs that “leaps out of the album, joyful and organic without calculation," and achieves “globe-spanning euphoria." In 2002, Michael a scris si a produs piesa, "Aye Aye Aye," cu Carlos Santana, care a aparut pe albumul, revista Rolling Stone a recunoscut ca una dintre piesele care "salturi din album, bucurie si organice" Shaman ". fara calcul, "si realizeaza" se intinde pe tot globul-euforie. "
Michael continues to strive for innovative approaches to percussion-based music, and records with both renowned and emerging artists (Skerik, Jack DeJohnette, Zakir Hussain, Reggie Watts), in addition to his own band, Tangletown. Michael continua sa depuna eforturi pentru a abordarilor inovatoare la percutie, pe baza de muzica, inregistrari si cu artisti de renume, atat si emergente (Skerik, Jack DeJohnette, Zakir Hussain, Reggie Watts), in plus fata de propria trupa, Tangletown.
Since 1990, Michael has participated in Seattle's Bumbershoot Festival as host, performer and curator of the popular “Bumberdrum," which brings together a stage full of the many percussionists participating in this world-class annual art and music festival. Din 1990, Michael a participat la Festivalul de Bumbershoot Seattle ca gazda, interpret si curator de populare "Bumberdrum", care reuneste intr-un stadiu plin de percutionisti multe participante in aceasta arta de clasa mondiala anuala si festival de muzica. Michael was the Musical Director for the pre-game show of Major League Baseball's 2001 All Star Game hosted by the Seattle Mariners, which involved over 80 drummers and dancers representing numerous countries. Michael a fost director muzical pentru spectacol de pre-joc al lui Major League Baseball 2001 All Star Game gazduit de catre Seattle Mariners, care a implicat peste 80 de tobosari si dansatori reprezentand numeroase tari.
Michael is the past President of the Pacific Northwest Branch of the National Association of Recording Arts and Sciences (NARAS), and is currently writing the memoirs of jazz drumming legend Elvin Jones. Michael este fostul presedinte al Filialei Pacificului de Nord-Vest a Asociatiei Nationale de Arte si Stiinte de inregistrare (NARAS), si este scris in prezent, memoriile de jazz tobele legenda Elvin Jones. He serves as Musical Director for Seattle Theater Group's “More Music @ The Moore," a program that highlights gifted young musicians from Seattle's various cultural groups. El serveste in calitate de director muzical pentru Seattle, trupa de teatru a lui "Mai mult Muzica @ Moore," un program care pune in evidenta muzicieni talentati tineri din Seattle a diferitelor grupuri culturale.
Michael Shrieve currently lives in Seattle and Los Angeles. Michael Shrieve in prezent locuieste in Seattle si Los Angeles. He continues to work on projects that are both groundbreaking and soul-filled. El continua sa lucreze la proiecte care sunt atat de revolutionar si suflet-umplut. In 2006 he will release a musical collaboration entitled, “Drums of Compassion," for which he is composer, producer and drummer. In 2006, el va lansa o colaborare muzical intitulat, "Tobe de compasiune", pentru care el este compozitor, producator si bateristul. It brings together some of the world's most respected percussionists and musicians: Obo Addy, African Drums ; Jack De Johnette, Drums ; Jeff Greinke, Keyboards, Sound Sculpture and Composer ; Zakir Hussain, Tabla ; Airto Moriera, Brazilian Percussion ; BC Smith, Orchestral Arrangements ; James Whiton, Bass . Acesta aduce impreuna unele dintre percutionisti cele mai respectate si muzicieni: Obo Addy, Africa Tobe, Jack De Johnette, Tobe, Jeff Greinke, Tastaturi, Sculptura de sunet si compozitor, Zakir Hussain, Tabla, Airto Moriera, percutie brazilian, BC Smith, Orchestral Aranjamente, James Whiton, Bass.
Michael Shrieve was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1998. Michael Shrieve a fost introdus in Rock and roll Hall of Fame in 1998. In 2005, Michael received the Guitar Center's first annual “Lifetime Achievement Award." In 2005, Michael a primit Centrul de Guitar prima anual "Premiul Lifetime Achievement."
"I owe Michael a lot; He's the one who turned me onto John Coltrane and Miles Davis. I just wanted to play blues until Michael came. He opened my eyes and my ears and my heart to a lot of things. Some drummers only have chops, but Michael Shrieve has vision. Michael is like a box of crayons; he has all the colors." "Ii datorez lui Michael o multime, El este cel care mi-a transformat pe John Coltrane si Davis Miles am vrut doar sa joace blues pana la Michael a venit El a deschis ochii si urechile mele si inima mea pentru o multime de lucruri Unele tobosari au doar... cotlet, dar Michael Shrieve are viziune Michael este ca o cutie de creioane colorate,. are toate culorile ".
Carlos Santana