

Scary Monsters
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David Bowie - Up the Hill Backwards / 1980

Adaugat de marc 28.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.520 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
David Bowie - Up the Hill Backwards


The vacuum created by the arrival of freedom
And the possibilities it seems to offer
It's got nothing to do with you, if one can grasp it
It's got nothing to do with you, if one can grasp it

A series of shocks - sneakers fall apart
Earth keeps on rolling - witnesses falling
It's got nothing to do with you, if one can grasp it
It's got nothing to do with you, if one can grasp it

Yeah, yeah, yeah - up the hill backwards
It'll be alright ooo-ooo

While we sleep they go to work
We're legally crippled it's the death of love
It's got nothing to do with you, if one can grasp it
It's got nothing to do with you, if one can grasp it

More idols then realities
I'm OK, you're so-so

Yeah, yeah, yeah - up the hill backwards
It'll be alright ooo-ooo


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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