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Ian McCulloch - Close Your Eyes / 1992

Adaugat de monica 04.12.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.346 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Ian McCulloch - Close Your Eyes


Nip it in the bud
I'd do it if I could
Do it if I could
Always knew I should and
Never understood
Never understood

I will go where I must
Taking in what I can
I will go if I must
Making up what I can

Close your eyes
(Yeah yeah yeah)...
Look inside
Look inside

Another idle pain and
Vision down the drain
Going down the drain
And all my yester know days
Will never be the same
Never be the same

I will go if I must
Taking in what I can
I will go 'cos I must
Making up what I can

Close your eyes
(I'm trying to)
Close your eyes
(I'm going to)...
Look inside...

My destiny
I know it will be
Deterred this time
Or ever can be

There's no use lying
I'm just as scared of dying as everyone
Someone in the know said
You're a long time dead
He's never wrong

Close your eyes
(I'm trying to)
Close your eyes
(I'm going to)...
Look inside...

Is there something in your mind?
Are you slipping on a stone?
If there's nothing in your mind
Won't you leave my world alone?
Leave my world
Leave my world


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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