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Ian McCulloch - The Flickering Wall / 1989

Adaugat de monica 04.12.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.345 vizualizari

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Ian McCulloch - The Flickering Wall

Albumm:Ian McCulloch - Candleland / anul 1989

Alternative rock


In my world, my little world
Life lies upon the floor
The wind blows in and out again
Through windows and through doors
And it's there I'll look and it's there I'll find
What it was I started after
When I mistook what I had in mind
For something made to matter

I heard the footsteps in the street
I saw the lights on the flickering wall
I moved my lips but I couldn't speak
Choked on the wonder of it all
Choked on the wonder
Of it all

In my dreams, recurring dreams
But I was never there
Life so still invisible
Just needing to be where
With any luck I might just find
What it was I started after
When I undertook what I had in mind
When everything mattered

When I saw the gods up in the sky
I saw the lights on the flickering wall
I saw the world through hazel eyes
And choked on the wonder of it all
Choked on the wonder
Of it all...


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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