

The Big Room
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  M2M - Everything / live 2002
2.254 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Jennifer / 2002
1.789 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Don't / 2002
1.608 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Payphone / 2002
1.769 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - What You Do About Me / 2002 live
1.645 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Love Left For Me / 2002
1.621 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Wanna Be Where You Are / 2002 live
1.480 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Leave Me Alone / 2002
1.810 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Sometimes / 2002
1.540 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria
  M2M - Eventually / 2002
1.680 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de victoria












M2M - Miss Popular / 2002

Adaugat de victoria 20.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.636 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
M2M - Miss Popular


She's miserable
Why make everyone else miserable too?
Oh, can't she see?
What she's putting innocent people through

Miss popular
Everything she does is wrong
Everywhere she goes
They'll be looking
Everywhere she turns
They'll be whispering
Oh, miss popular

What is happening?
She could have used
Her title for a good case
But instead she spits in everybody's face


It is happening
Oh, so now you know how it feels to be insignificant
Oh, so now you know how it feels to be all alone
Oh, when the lights go off
You can still dream of yourself
How hot you were
Miss popular
Everybody hates you
Poor Miss popular
I don't feel a bit sorry for you


Now she knows - There she goes


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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