

Old Ideas
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  Leonard Cohen - Darkness / 2012
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  Leonard Cohen - Darkness / 2012
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  Leonard Cohen - Different Sides / 2012
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  Leonard Cohen - Crazy To Love You / 2012
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  Leonard Cohen - Banjo / 2012
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  Leonard Cohen - Crazy To Love You / 2012
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  Leonard Cohen - Darkness / 2012
1.628 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Leonard Cohen - Lullaby / 2012
1.743 vizite - 0 comentarii
adaugat de Alexandra












Leonard Cohen - Amen / 2012

Adaugat de marica 27.05.2012  Adauga la favorite 2.110 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Leonard Cohen - Amen / 2012

Versuri cantec:
Tell me again
When I've been to the river
And I've taken the edge off my thirst
Tell me again
We're alone and I'm listening
I'm listening so hard that it hurts
Tell me again
When I'm clean and I'm sober
Tell me again
When I've seen through the horror
Tell me again
Tell me over and over
Tell me that you want me then

Tell me again
When the victims are singing
And the Laws of Remorse are restored
Tell me again
That you know what I'm thinking
But vengeance belongs to the Lord
Tell me again
When I'm clean and I'm sober
Tell me again
When I've seen through the horror
Tell me again
Tell me over and over
Tell me that you love me then

Tell me again
When the day has been ransomed
And the night has no right to begin
Try me again
When the angels are panting
And scratching at the door to come in
Tell me again
When I'm clean and I'm sober
Tell me again
When I've seen through the horror
Tell me again
Tell me over and over
Tell me that you need me then

Tell me again
When the filth of the butcher
Is washed in the blood of the lamb
Tell me again
When the rest of the culture
Has passed through the Eye of the Camp
Tell me again
When I'm clean and I'm sober
Tell me again
When I've seen through the horror
Tell me again
Tell me over and over
Tell me that you love me then


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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