

Iubeşte-mă astăzi, Iubeşte-mă mâine
se deruleaza

  Andra - Iubeste-ma azi, iubeste-ma maine / 2009
2.901 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Andra - Bye, bye baby / 2009
2.023 vizite - 0 comentarii
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  Andra - Femeia / 2009
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  Andra - Colt de suflet / 2009
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Andra - Stand up / 2009

Adaugat de cocor 05.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.700 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Andra - Stand up


You can be my baby
I can be your lady
If you come and rescue me
Now that you have found me
Put a round and round me
Hold me tight don't let me go

PreRefren: So everybody stand up
We celebrate in love
That I got you and let you know
Everybody stand up
We celebrate it's true
We are celebrating you
Refren(X2):(nana nanana nananana nanana)
You are the one in my heart go on
(nana nanana nananana nanana)
And I'm so happy caz it's you I found
(Stand up, stand up)

You no my desire
You can like me fire
I'm shaking when you touching me
You don't know I'm thinking
Please don't stop the kissing
I will never let you go

PreRefren: So everybody stand up
We celebrate in love
That I got you and let you know
Everybody stand up
We celebrate it's true
We are celebrating you
Refren(X2):(nana nanana nananana nanana)
You are the one in my heart go on
(nana nanana nananana nanana)
And I'm so happy caz it's you I found
(Stand up, stand up)
(Stand up,


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
  Introdu codul din imagine


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