

Ancient Heart
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  Tanita Tikaram - He Likes The Sun / 1988
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  Tanita Tikaram - Valentine Heart / 1988
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  Tanita Tikaram - Valentine Heart / 1988
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Tanita Tikaram - He Likes the Sun / 1988

Adaugat de alin 03.11.2013  Adauga la favorite 917 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Tanita Tikaram - He Likes the Sun


Some say the world goes crazy
It's summertime
I say I'm feeling lazy
Hammocks in mind

And I can't change a thing
So I won't stay around
If you can still feel so hot
Why don't you feel for me?
If you can feel so much
Why don't you let it out
And let me be alone again

I keep watch. That's alright
'Cos it comes in this real night

He likes the sun
See the cornered clown
He likes the sun
Let us waste this town
And when it rains
You feel the click in his heart
And that's when the pain in mine will start

I'm used to growing older
and feeling down inside
But yes, I know, well someone told
You should have seen him cry

Well that's not my life
I'm tired of chip inside and playing bronze for cool
Y' know that sometimes light
And sometimes you can just be that fool
Who can really say?

If I'm cross - it's a joke
if I'm lost - let it go up in smoke

He likes the sun...

Jump right out of your grass colours
And make like you were easy prey
and cheer us solemn of a possible
Is it possible?
I could really play could really play
All these things I say
Though not torn inside, though not torn
You just lie, lie low - lie low for me

I'm not in deeper waters - where everyone will claim
We used to know the daughter - throw it away it's not such a shame
If you're feeling blue
And I like icy looks and great command
He likes the way I'm true
But I know inside
This is a real life sham - but that's okay

And this song can't be sued
I assume - you get up and renew yourself


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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