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Adele - Right as Rain / 2008

Adaugat de antonia 19.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.370 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Adele - Right as Rain


Who wants to be right as rain
It's better when something is wrong
You get excitement in your bones
And everything you do's a game
When night comes and your all on your own
You can say I chose to be alone
Who want to be right as rain
It's harder when your on top

Cause when hard work don't pay off
And I'm tired there aint no room in my bed
As far as I'm concerned
So wipe that dirty smile off
We won't be making up
I've cried my heart out
And now I've had enough of love

Who wants to be riding high
when you'll just crumble back on down
You give up everything you are
And even then you don't get far
They make believe that everything
Is exactly what it seems
But at least when your at your worst
You know how to feel things

See when hard work don't pay off
And I'm tired there aint no room in my bed
As far as I'm concerned
So wipe that dirty smile off
We won't be making up
I've cried my heart out
And now I've had enough of love

Go ahead and still my heart
To make me cry again
Cause it will never hurt
as much as it did then
When we were both right
And no one had blame
But now I give up
On this endless game

Cause who wants to be right as rain
It's better when something is wrong
i get excitement in your bones
Even thought everything's a strain
When night comes and I'm all on my own
You should know I chose to be alone
So who want to be right as rain
It's harder when your on top

Cause when hard work don't pay off
And I'm tired there aint no room in my bed
As far as I'm concerned
So wipe that dirty smile off
We won't be making up
I've cried my heart out
And now I've had enough of love


Semnaleaza o problema


* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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