

Sweet Dreams
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  La Bouche - Forget Me Nots / 1995
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  La Bouche - Sweet Dreams / 1995 live
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  La Bouche - Be My Lover / 1995
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  La Bouche - Fallin' In Love / 1995
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  La Bouche - I Love To Love / 1995
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  La Bouche - Poetry In Motion / 1995
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  La Bouche - Mama Look (I Love Him) / 1995
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  La Bouche - Be My Lover / 1995 live
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adaugat de hannah












La Bouche - I'll Be There / 1995

Adaugat de hannah 11.10.2013  Adauga la favorite 1.722 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
La Bouche - I'll Be There


Verse 1:
You have been hurt, and now you think love's a big cheat,
But I know if you allow me I'll prove you wrong.
Don't be afraid of the love you have for me,
Let me bear- and let things happen, be aware- we each have the chance.

If you're restless, I will follow you
If you're weak I'll give you strength
If you can't go on I'll see you through
I'll be there, I'll be there, I'll be there

Verse 2:
Trust in me baby, I would never let you down,
And I swear my loves a cure for your broken heart.
(Let me cure your broken) heart.
I want you so, I will read the wishes in your eyes.
And I will chase the dark clouds away, if you give me one more chance.

If you're restless, I will follow you
If you're weak I'll give you strength
If you can't go on I'll see you through
I'll be there, I'll be there, I'll be there

If the world seems to be down on you, if you're badly off for health, if you need someone to comfort you, I'll be there, I'll be there, I'll be there!

Let me cure your broken heart, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be there. Boy you know I'm gonna be there. Believe me when I say I'm gonna be there.

Bridge to fade.


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