

Ladies Of The Canyon
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  Joni Mitchell - California 1970 Live
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Joni Mitchell - All I Want / 1970

Adaugat de vasile 13.10.2011  Adauga la favorite 826 vizualizari

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The Appalachian dulcimer (or mountain dulcimer) is a fretted string instrument of the zither family, typically with three or four strings. It is native to the Appalachian region of the United States. The body extends the length of the fingerboard, and its fretting is generally diatonic.

In 1979 Mitchell reflected, "The Blue album, there's hardly a dishonest note in the vocals. At that period of my life, I had no personal defenses. I felt like a cellophane wrapper on a pack of cigarettes. I felt like I had absolutely no secrets from the world and I couldn't pretend in my life to be strong. Or to be happy. But the advantage of it in the music was that there were no defenses there either."

The album was influenced by jazz, particularly the music of Miles Davis. Mitchell used alternative tunings on her guitar to allow easier access to augmented chords and notes in unexpected combinations. * In 2003, Blue was ranked #30 on Rolling Stone Magazine's list of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time, the highest placement for a female artist * In 2000, Blue won the top spot in Chart's '50 Greatest Canadian Albums of All Time' (Blue was third place in 1996 and 2005) * In 2007, Blue was ranked second in Bob Mersereau's book The Top 100 Canadian Albums, behind Neil Young's Harvest (which was the second-place finisher in all three Chart polls) * In 2001, Blue was ranked #14 on VH1's list of the '100 Greatest Albums of All Time', the highest album by a female artist to appear on the list. * Blue was also voted #13 on Hotpress Magazine's 'Top 100 Albums Ever', by various other artists * In 2002, Q Magazine named "Blue" the 8th Greatest Album of All-Time by a Female Artist. * Blue was voted #66 in Channel 4's countdown of the '100 Greatest Albums' * In 2006, Blue was listed among Time Magazine's 'All-Time 100 Albums' * In 1999, Blue was given the honor of a Grammy Hall of Fame award, which is given to recordings that are at least 25 years old and that have "qualitative or historical significance" * In 2004, Pitchfork Media ranked the album #86 on its list "Top 100 Albums of the 1970s".

Several songs reference Joni Mitchell. The song "Our House" by Graham Nash refers to Nash's brief affair with Mitchell at the time Crosby, Stills Nash and Young recorded the Deja Vu album. Led Zeppelin's "Going to California" was said to be written about Robert Plant and Jimmy Page's infatuation with Mitchell, a claim that seems to be borne out by the fact that, in live performances, Plant often says "Joni" after the line "To find a queen without a king, they say she plays guitar and cries and sings." Jimmy Page uses a double dropped D guitar tuning similar to the alternative tunings Mitchell uses. The Sonic Youth song "Hey Joni" from their acclaimed Daydream Nation album is named for Mitchell. Sonic Youth also uses a wide variety of alternate guitar tunings. Alanis Morissette also mentions Joni in one of her songs, "Your House." British folk singer; Frank Turner mentions Joni in his song 'Sunshine State'. Fellow Canadian songwriter Ferron invokes Mitchell to open the song "Maya": "Last night I dreamed Joni Mitchell cut her hair and changed her name to Gaia. And she spoke to me in a confident air and said...'You better push the edge of Maya.'"

Melody Green wrote in "No Compromise, the life story of Keith Green", that her husband Keith Green and some friends found Joni's Southern California home security gate was open and they sang in her front lawn until she came out. She invited them all in and Green entertained her for a while on her piano

Tambalul Appalachian (tambal sau la munte) este un instrument cu coarde traforate de familie titera, de obicei cu trei sau patru siruri de caractere. Este originar din regiunea Appalachian din Statele Unite. Organismul extinde durata de grif, si sa se framante sa este, in general, diatonic.

In 1979 Mitchell a reflectat, "albumul albastru, nu e greu o nota necinstit in voce. La acea perioada a vietii mele, am avut nici o aparare cu caracter personal m-am simtit ca un invelis celofan pe un pachet de tigari.. M-am simtit ca am avut absolut nici un secret din lume, si nu am putut pretinde in viata mea sa fie puternic sau care urmeaza sa fie fericit.. Dar avantajul de acesta in muzica a fost ca nu au nici o aparare nici acolo. "

Albumul a fost influentat de jazz, in special muzica de Miles Davis. Mitchell utilizate acordaje alternative la chitara ei, pentru a permite un acces mai usor la acorduri crescut si notele in combinatii neasteptate. * In 2003, Blue a fost clasat pe locul # 30 pe lista revistei Rolling Stone a Albume Greatest 500 din toate timpurile, cel mai mare plasament pentru un artist de sex feminin * In anul 2000, Blue a castigat la fata locului de top in Grafic lui '50 mai bune albume canadian de toate "Ora (Albastru a fost locul al treilea in 1996 si 2005) * In 2007, Blue a fost clasat pe locul al doilea in Rezervati la Bob Mersereau lui Top 100 Albums din Canada, in spatele Harvest Neil Young (care a fost de finisare al doilea loc in toate sondajele Grafic trei) * In anul 2001, Albastru a fost clasat pe locul # 14 pe lista lui VH1 a Albums mai mare din toate '100 'Time, cel mai mare album al unui artist de sex feminin sa apara pe lista. * Albastru a fost, de asemenea, votat # 13 in Hotpress Magazine "Top 100 Albums Ever", prin diverse alte artisti * In 2002, revista Q numit "Blue", album Greatest opta din toate timpurile de catre un artist femeie. * Albastru a fost votat # 66 in numaratoarea Channel 4 din albumele Greatest '100 '* In 2006, Blue a fost enumerat printre Ora Magazine "All-Time * 100 albumele" In anul 1999, Blue a fost dat onoarea unui Grammy Hall of atribuire Fame , care se administreaza la inregistrari, care sunt de cel putin 25 de ani si care au "calitative sau istorica semnificatie" * In 2004, Pitchfork Media clasat pe locul # 86 pe albumul sau lista "Top 100 Albums din anii 1970".

Mai multe melodii de referinta Joni Mitchell. Piesa "Casa noastra", de Graham Nash se refera la aventura scurta lui Nash cu Mitchell la momentul Crosby, Stills Nash and Young a inregistrat Deja Vu album. Led Zeppelin "Going to California" a fost declarat a fi scris despre Robert Plant si infatuare Jimmy Page cu Mitchell, o cerere care pare a fi confirmata de faptul ca, in spectacole vii, Plantelor spune adesea "Joni" dupa linia "Pentru a gaseasca o regina fara un rege, spun ei ea canta la chitara si strigate si canta. " Jimmy Page foloseste un dublu D a scazut de tuning chitara similare cu acordaje alternative Mitchell utilizari. Piesa Sonic Youth "Hei Joni" de la albumul lor aclamat Daydream Nation este numit pentru Mitchell. Sonic Youth foloseste, de asemenea, o mare varietate de chitara acordaje alternative. Alanis Morissette mentioneaza, de asemenea, Joni intr-unul dintre cantecele ei, "Casa Ta". Cantaret folk britanice; Frank Turner mentioneaza in Joni "stat Sunshine", cantecul lui. Fellow compozitor canadian Ferron invoca Mitchell pentru a deschide piesa "Maya": "Noaptea trecuta am visat Joni Mitchell taie parul ei si-a schimbat numele in Gaia Si ea mi-a vorbit intr-un aer increzator si a zis ..." Sunteti impinge mai bine. marginea de Maya. ""

Melody Green scria in "nr de compromis, povestea de viata a Keith Green", ca sotul ei, Keith Green si cativa prieteni au gasit Joni lui din California de Sud de acasa de securitate poarta a fost deschisa si au cantat in fata ei de gazon pana cand ea a iesit. Ea le-a invitat toti in verde si ei distra pentru o vreme pe pian ei


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