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Kansas - Questions of My Childhood / 1976

Adaugat de fane 31.01.2014  Adauga la favorite 807 vizualizari

Nota film: 0 / 5 (0 voturi )
Kansas - Questions of My Childhood


When the sun is in the mid sky, he wears a golden crown
And he soaks the world with sunshine as he makes another round
It's been a faster year than yesterday, all the things that I had planned
And when I think I might be gaining
I'm in the sunshine once again
Well I walk the road of life among the strong, among the weak
And I ask them for the shortcut to the answers that I seek
But it seems nobody understands what is and what will be
Oh, the questions of my childhood weave a web of mystery
Can you get me through these changes?
Well I sure don't know about life, but one thing for sure
All I need is you babe, we got to get the golden key to unlock the door
I don't need to face a world of disillusion
I've come to one conclusion that I know you know is true
In the game of silent searching the cost of love is rising
And I'm just now realizing I'd be better of with you
It's a game that I've been living, now
I need to know what's real
Can you help me find the answers, can you tell the way I feel?
Will you stay with me forever, just stay with me tonight
And we can talk about tomorrow if it all works out alright


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* Nota: Filmele cu / fara subtitrare sunt preluate din
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